Month March 2022

Passthrough Primary GPU with Proxmox 7.1

There are many guides out there, but this one is version specific. Some things have changed. First, follow this guide: It may be necessary to add the following boot options if you’re passing through the only GPU in the system:…

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Backing Up and Restoring Docker Volumes

The default persistent data storage method for Docker is volumes. Unfortunately, it’s not immediately obvious how to back up that data. Let’s take a look at the current running containers: Now perform an inspect on the one you’d like to…

Unattended Security Updates on Ubuntu 20.04

Here’s an easy way to set up unattended upgrades for a single Ubuntu 20.04 server. It relies on a couple of things: A working SMTP relay (Gmail, Sendinblue, etc). An understanding that I have no idea how to script, and…

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Running Docker in LXC With Proxmox 7.1

If you need to run Docker on your Proxmox installation under LXC instead of in a VM, it’s possible, but there are some extra steps, especially where ZFS in concerned as the host file system. I feel, however, like it’s…